Smashing parties, where people donate old computers, televisions, and rusty appliances to be obliterated with a smashing tool of choice, are becoming a popular pastime among teens. It's not that we boys have some deep-seated hatred of technology; we love it, actually. We just like to smash things more. It's just a product of the breeding, plain and simple. A thousand years ago a person had to smash things all day long just to live. You want dinner? You've got to roam the forest and go smash it.
And back then, you got your first war-hammer at the ripe old age of twelve. Nowadays we have to sit in a classroom all day long. It's no wonder our more primal instincts feel neglected. Though some parents have raised concerns about the safety of smashing parties and the rage their kids are displaying, many experts disagree. Leading teen psychologists believe smashing parties may be just what the doctor ordered because it allows kids to have a healthy outlet for their pent up aggression.