With the Wii, the option of sitting still, even when it comes to your hands and feet, is not possible. The controller is not what you would call traditional, missing the bulky buttons and analog sticks and looking more like a remote (unofficially referred to as a "Wiimote"). However, it is very sleek and stylish, complimenting wherever it's put down.
With the "Wiimote" you are meant to physically interact with the games, such as punching with your hands in a boxing game, and thrusting your arm forward when bowling. You can't even maneuver through the menu screen without moving your arm. Because the controller is lightweight and easy to use, every member of the family can get the hang of it after a few tries. Even the elder members could participate if they so choose, with little risk of sustaining injury. Many if not most of the games are not very difficult, and were created for the sheer fun it could bring and the feeling of togetherness it can create. Sort of like family game night, only with video games.
There is still, however, a little bit for the hardcore gamer who desires a challenge, and with some games giving the option to find other players throughout the world to battle against, the entertainment is endless.